Every Kahiko Ukulele is ...
We carefully inspect wood suppliers and make
sure the wood arrive to the factory properly dried.
Although each wood species has various levels
of moisture content, most of the wood has to be
rehydrated to about 6-12%. This ensured a good
start for our ukulele and classical guitar.

Wood Selection
Solid Wood: Most of our solid wood are quarter
sawn or Rift Sawn. Quarter Sawn has a growth
ring that are 60-90 degrees to the surface of the
board and Rift Sawn are between 45 to 60 degrees
to the surface on the board. Most of our guitar
and ukulele tops are made with Quarter Sawn
wood for stability. Rirt Sawn wood are usually
used on the side and sometimes the back.
Laminate wood: There are beautiful and attractive
flame wood we would love to use on a ukulele or
a guitar; however, since most of the flame grain
pattern or wood that are not strong enough
by nature, we would use them in a laminated
ukulele to strike a balance between its visual
attractiveness and stability.

Every Kahiko Ukulele is ...
The purpose of sanding is to remove
imperfections on the wood and provide a smooth
surface. All Kahiko ukuleles and Dacapo Guitars
are sanded along the grain with at least 5 to 10
grades of sandpaper (120 grit course-2000 grit
course ) depending on the finish. Our high gloss
finish looks as if they are clear as glass. The
glossier it gets, the more sanding procedures
are required to put into the instruments. The
process of sanding and spraying is repeated at
least i6-12 times to create a thin and clear which
allows the preservation of the maximum quality
of cound.Over the years, we have developed our
own unique sanding and ginishing techniques to
achieve a high gloss finish without sacrifice the

Final Setup
Last but not the least....
Every ukulele is handcrafted with

Experience Luthiers
With the craftsmanship experience accumulated
over the past 20 years from the first two generations
of luthier. We continue to pursue improvement on
every aspect of building this traditional instrument.
Craftsmanship is all about doing what we love and
doing it right and with continuous innovation.